Places to hide money in your house

places to hide money

Have you ever hid money somewhere in your house and then stumbled upon it at a time when you desperately needed some extra cash? If so, you probably know just how convenient it can be to have money hidden throughout your house. That way, you can access emergency cash without going to a bank. It is common for people to have places to hide money in their house. And it can be helpful when you need extra cash instead of turning to unreliable cash options like quick payday loans. Then, whenever you need a bit of extra money, you can simply go to one of your hiding spots to immediately access the funding. 

Tips for Hiding Money in Your House

If you want to hide money in your house, go about it the smart way. Check out these helpful tips for when you want to hide extra cash in your home successfully. 

Choose Hiding Places Out of Plain Sight 

When you want to hide money in your house, make sure you pick a discreet place. Storing your extra cash on the kitchen counter or your bedside table won’t help you keep your money stored away for long. These common surfaces tend to have heavy household traffic, which means your money may accidentally get lost or swept away with other items. Furthermore, keeping your cash in plain sight gives you constant temptation to use it. Instead, pick a place that is out of sight and therefore out of mind. However, don’t pick such a discreet place that you forget where your money is hidden. 

Hide Your Money in More Than One Place 

It may also be a smart idea to hide your money in multiple places throughout your house. Hiding things in more than one place may act as a safety precaution. If an untrusted friend or family member comes across a hiding space and takes the money they find, you won’t lose your entire savings. Also, if you happen to forget where one of your hiding places is, you have other places to fall back on to access cash when you need it. 

Best Places To Hide Money in Your House

Finding great places to hide money throughout your house doesn’t have to be difficult! Check out these awesome places where you can hide money safely in your home. 

Traditional Money Safe  

Perhaps the safest place to stash valuables and hide bills is inside a traditional money safe. When you keep your money in a safe, you can rest assured knowing that your cash is secured behind a lock and key. That way, you know only you can access the funds. Also, many traditional money safes are weatherproof, fireproof, and sometimes even bulletproof, which means your savings will be safe no matter what. 

Fake Electric Outlet

Another possible hiding spot for your extra cash could be inside a fake eclectic outlet. A fake electric outlet looks like typical cable tv outlets, but there is a false panel that opens. Since a false electric outlet isn’t connected to any form of electricity, you can access your money at any time without fear of hurting yourself. 

Under a Mattress

Try hiding extra cash under your mattress. A mattress is an item that doesn’t usually move around too much in our homes, so you won’t have to worry about your money getting lost in a cleaning shuffle.   

Filing Cabinet

You may want to hide your money in a random folder inside a filing cabinet. Like traditional money safes, many filing cabinets have the ability to be locked. Keep extra cash, as well as important documents and valuables stored away safely in a locked filing cabinet!

Bottom of Dresser Drawer

You may also store your valuables inside the bottom of a dresser drawer, like a sock drawer. As an extra layer of protection, perhaps you can store cash inside a pair of socks you don’t wear regularly. That way, your money will be out of sight and hidden if someone opens the drawer and glances inside.  

Plastic Baggie Inside Freezer

You may also want to store money and other valuables in a plastic bag tied with a rubber band in the freezer. First, put your money inside a plastic bag or a watertight plastic bottle, and make sure it is sealed tight. Then, submerge the bag in a water block and put it in the freezer. This may be a good option if you have trouble with impulse spending, because you will have to wait for the ice block to thaw out before you can use the cash. In that time, you may find that whatever you planned on purchasing wasn’t that essential after all. 

Diversion Safe

A diversion safe looks like an everyday item, like an empty bottle, but has a secret compartment to store cash and other valuables. You can find diversion safes that look like an empty food container, a coca-cola stash can, or even a hairbrush. 

Couch Cushions 

Like a mattress, your couch is another piece of household furniture that does not move around a lot. You may find that zip-up couch cushions have enough space to store money and other valuable items. Furthermore, the fluff in the cushions may prevent the items from being crushed when someone sits on the couch. 

Holiday Decorations

Inside holiday decorations is another place to store cash. Then, when you are decorating for the holidays, you will also find money for presents and other holiday expenses. 

A High Kitchen Shelf

Another hiding place for money or small valuables is inside a high kitchen shelf. But, instead of just keeping the cash out in the open, try putting it inside an empty coffee container or other kitchen item. 

Inside Shoes

Try storing cash inside a pair of shoes. Then, if you are walking around without your wallet and need cash, you have access to funding right under your feet! 

Inside Curtain Rod

Many Curtain rods are hollow, making them a great place to keep cash hidden. Simply unscrew one end of the curtain rod and roll up your money inside. 

Wall Clock Safe

You can also keep cash hidden inside a wall clock safe. There are clock safes that function as traditional clocks and also have a hidden compartment to store money or other valuable items. 

Picture Frames 

You may also hide cash inside a picture frame. Picture frames are an inconspicuous yet easily accessible place to keep money. 

Ceiling Tiles 

Perhaps you can store money inside ceiling tiles. If you choose this option, be sure to keep the money in a plastic bag or a box, so potential leaks or pests do not destroy the cash. 

Inside a Garage Door Opener 

You can also keep cash inside a garage door opener. If you accidentally locked yourself outside of your house but need a few extra bucks, you can go to your garage opener and get the cash you need without having to enter your house! 

Places You Wouldn’t Want To Hide Cash 

While there are plenty of great places you can use as a money stash, there are also places where it may be a bad idea to store cash. Some areas that may not be such a great place to hide money are: 

  • Tissue box.
  • Laundry hamper.
  • Medicine cabinet. 
  • Inside a spare tire. 
  • Inside toilet paper holders. 
  • In a tennis ball canister, or inside other sporting equipment.
  • Inside kid’s toys or stuffed animals.
  • Under a cat litter box.
  • In a toilet tank.
  • Inside fish tanks. 
  • In a cereal box.

Alternatives To Hiding Money in Your House

Perhaps you don’t feel comfortable hiding money in your house. There are still great options to pick from when you need fast cash if that is the case. You may even find that you don’t need to take out a loan at all! Here are some ways you may come across extra cash without having to hide money throughout your home. 

Get a Loan 

A traditional way you may acquire extra money is to get a loan. There are even convenient ways to get loans that can help build credit. You can get installment loans in either high or low loan amounts, allowing you to cover virtually any financial need.  

Try Money Saving Challenges 

If you don’t need money immediately and have some time to get your finances together, you may consider doing a savings challenge to come across some extra cash. Challenges like the six-month savings challenge or the 100 envelope challenge are great ways to create a long-term plan for putting more money in your savings account. 

Create a Yearly or Monthly Budget 

Instead of doing a money-saving challenge, perhaps all you need to do is organize your finances a bit. Try building a yearly budget or a monthly budget so that you can use your money as efficiently as possible. You may find that being more mindful with your spending is all you have to do to get the extra cash you need! 

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